Home About Me Bahasa Melayu Islam in New Zealand My Malaysian Affair Support Charities News and Opinions Updates Multimedia Links Contact Me Guestbook


About Me Bahasa Melayu Islam in New Zealand My Malaysian Affair Support Charities News and Opinions Updates Multimedia Links Contact Me Guestbook

Updates and additions to the site

18 August 2000 - There are many charities which we can make donations to just by visiting certain pages on the Web, with no cost to you whatsoever. Though many of you may already know some such sites, I will keep a list of those known to myself on a new page entitled Charities. Please inform yourself by visiting this page, and inform me if there are sites you know of that are not listed here.

23 January 2000 - I am happy to say that I have finally completed my homepage in it's most basic form. The photos from my Malaysian trip of 2 years ago have now been added (though more than a year overdue), and alhumdulillah my original vision for the site has been achieved. So where to now? Insha Allah more additions will be made in future of course, and I hope to add more photos from my travels, and narrate more stories of experiences I have had on my journeys. Please give me feedback on what you do see here, and what you would like to see here. Jazak Allah khair.

22 January 2000 - I have been for a short vacation to the beautiful New Zealand city of Queenstown (New Zealand's major tourism city), and the majestic beauty of Fiordland National Park. I have finally gotten around to adding photos to the site; I really hope that you enjoy seeing these photos of this very beautiful country.

24 December 1999 - Added Story of my Reversion to Islam to the site. Site has now been added to the Islamic web ring, so you can find other Islamic sites to browse more easily.
Added News and Current Issues page for latest information on the site.

22 December 1999 - Moved site to Tripod from Geocities. Site is more than half finished in its present state. Hoping new look navigation for the site is easy to understand and use.