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About Me Bahasa Melayu Islam in New Zealand My Malaysian Affair Support Charities News and Opinions Updates Multimedia Links Contact Me Guestbook


 (Tekan Di Sini Untuk Versi Bahasa Melayu)

Photo of myself and my Indonesian friend's baby girl after Solat Eid AdhaAssalamu alaikum, May peace and the blessings of Allah be upon you all. I am a student at Otago University, in Dunedin, New Zealand. I study at the Otago Medical School, hoping to graduate in 2003 with a MBChB degree. One day, insha Allah, I hope to pursue a career in either pediatrics, or perhaps radiology.

I was born in Hong Kong, but moved to New Zealand at a very young age. I last visited Hong Kong in January 1997, to visit relatives and see my birthplace before the Chinese takeover on 1 July 1997. I see myself quite as a musafir (traveler), and hope one day to immigrate to Malaysia, though I have dreams of spending at least some of my lifetime living in the holy city of Madinah.

In 1995 I was introduced to Islam while in Dunedin by a friend of mine. Slowly I learned more about Islam through my own curiosity, and the persistence of my friend's father, who was our local imam. Alhumdulillah, I found Islam to be very logical, and sensible, and reverted to Islam in November 1995. I love Allah, I love Islam, and wish dearly that more people would learn about the REAL Islam, rather than drawing false ideas from what the American media reports. Islam is a very beautiful religion and way of life, and the holy Qur'an gives us all the guidance we will ever need through our lives. (For a more detailed account of my reversion to Islam, please read the story of my reversion to Islam).

My life has truly changed since I found Islam. I was blessed by Allah when I reverted, alhumdulillah, and was blessed in 1996 with some very fine academic results. I received dux (1st) of my school, Otago Boys' High School, and went on to place 19th in the national Scholarship exams. I then learned of some very fine news, that I was placed top in the country for my end of year national Mathematics with Statistics exam. Alhumdulillah, praise be to Allah.

Aerial photo of my home cityMy home city Dunedin (shown on right, with a cross indicating where I live) is currently in the process of building the city's first ever masjid and Islamic centre. As Allah says in surat Al-Bakarah, verse 261: "In the parable of those who spend their substance in the way of God is that of a grain of wheat. It groweth seven ears and each ear has 100 grains and then God giveth manifold increase to whom he pleaseth, and God cares for all and He knows all things." The building of this masjid will not only benefit the Muslims of Dunedin, but all Muslims in this world. Once an Islamic centre is opened, insha Allah we can show islam to many non Muslims, and change their ways of thinking, and maybe most importantly dispel their stereotypes of Muslims. You can assist in this appeal by contacting the local Islamic association through FIANZ (Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand). We humbly ask for your help in our appeal, and ask you to give whatever you can to help us to build this masjid.

If you would like to e-mail me with suggestions or comments on this page, my address is rpcxbvqchkhe@spammotel.com. Other contact details are found on this page. Jazak Allah khair, may Allah bless you all, my brothers and sisters, and may He reward us our good deeds, and forgive us our sins. Ameen.

Wassalamu alaikum, Ahmad Abdul-Rahman.

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