My Malaysian Affair - Chapter 9 Final Thoughts From a Favourite Place My happiness during Eid culminated with a second visit to Kelantan. Being in an Islamic state during Eid was very special. KB has street lamps everywhere with the words "Allah" and "Mohammad" on them, as well as signs in the street saying "Subhan Allah, Alhumdulillah, Allahu akabar". During Ramadhan, other banners are also erected, and give the city an Islamic atmosphere that I did not experience elsewhere in Malaysia. Being able to visit a family I had only just met a month ago was the highlight of this trip to KB. The family consists of 2 parents, 14 children and 16 grandchildren! The 14 children consist of 7 boys and 7 girls, with ages ranging from 12 up to mid 30’s. The family was very hospitable, and it was a great feeling to be in a house with so many people in it. Congregational prayer in the house was nice, with so many people involved. The whole family were very nice, and humble, and seemed to have sound religious knowledge that is so indicative of the Kelantanese. The greatest culture shock to me in Malaysia, was having to use the "bilik mandi kampung", or kampung style shower, in this house in Kelantan. It was open air, and very embarrassing, as many people walked around closeby. In the end, I cleared everyone out before I was brave enough to use this shower, which pumps water directly out of a well. Embarrassing though it was, I am glad I did have this experience, and see how other people live their lives. I felt depressed having to leave Kelantan, but I knew that I had to return home and study. I did however promise myself, and others in Kelantan, that I would return some day. As I waved farewell to KB before getting on my bus, I made dua for this blessed city and state. Kelantan will always remain close to my heart, and it was appropriate that my last memories of Malaysia are from Kelantan. On my bus ride down to Singapore for the last time, I could not sleep, and spent the whole night sitting on the steps of the bus beside the driving, and looking out at the lights on the North-South Highway. Terima kasih Malaysia, for giving me a wonderful experience. Terima kasih for giving me a glimpse at a Muslim country. Terima kasih for your hospitality. May Allah bless you and lead you on to the straight path of Islam. Jumpa lagi, insha Allah. Photos - please click thumbnails to see full sized imageLeft to right:
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